The weather around here has clearly changed for the worse in this cycle of patterns that has hit the Northeast. Even in the South places such as Florida have hit temps of 38 degrees. Most folks who live here are prepared for the winter months by having the right clothing and adequate heat sources in their homes. But do we really ever prepare our bodies for the extreme changes in cold weather? Preparing your car for winter is a no brainer but how do you prepare your body for the cold winter months? We use whole foods which feed the body the minerals which it needs to nourish the thyroid which thrives on minerals and controls our body temperature. Many folks are deficient in the proper nutrients which may be from inadequate diets of processed and refined foods which are devoid of the minerals and nutrients. There are also other factors such as poor farming practices and the lack of a whole food market or year round farmers market. The other big factor in preparing for the winter months is a good amount of Vitamin D, we all know that the new diagnosis in the doctors office is Vitamin D deficiency, I hear this every day in my office and give my patients good whole food Cataplex D from Standard process. The other big factor in cold weather protection is essential fatty acids with a healthy dose of natural vitamin D. I also recommend Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil capsule from Green Pasture. This is a great whole food, why? "Many of the great historical cultures had one sacred food which they relied on to ensure strong mind, body, and spirit; fermented fish/fish liver oil. The Mighty Roman Soldier was given a daily ration of fermented fish oil. The Stoic Scandinavian Viking had a drum of fermenting cod livers outside the door of his home. Grandma always had a bottle of cod liver oil in the back cupboard". Green Pastures FCO is by far the best non refined fish oil on the market bar none! With these two big whole food supplements you will ensure a healthy and cold tolerant winter. By the way this is not the nasty tasting or smelling cod liver oil you got by the spoonful from your grandma!
July 2019
Dr. John Mainiero, DCI write and speak about health and wellness topics because I love to explore new advances and share my topics so all may be truly well. |